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Blog Critical Development Studies

The Intersection of Religion and Development in Pakistan

Introduction In Pakistan, religious ideologies have significantly influenced various development projects and policies. Based on Islamic charity principles, the Zakat system is institutionalized to support

a split-screen image showing inequality in Pakistan: one side shows a modern city with tall buildings, luxury cars, and professionals, while the other shows a rural village with mud houses, children carrying water, and a farmer in dry fields. A titled scale in the background symbolizes the imbalance. The title "Beyond Economics: Unpacking the Roots of Inequality in Pakistan" stands out, with "Contropulse" written in small font at the bottom corner.
Blog Community Development

“Beyond Economics: Unpacking the Roots of Inequality in Pakistan”

In Pakistan, equality is not just about money. it is tied to our culture, social norms, politics, and religious beliefs. From strict gender roles to